all postcodes in CA5 / CARLISLE

find any address or company within the CA5 postcode district

Postcode Area

CA / Carlisle

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CA5 7AA 19 0 54.834274 -2.976837
CA5 7AB 4 0 54.838191 -2.973756
CA5 7AD 5 0 54.834925 -2.975005
CA5 7AF 8 0 54.841971 -2.966294
CA5 7AG 2 0 54.831898 -2.971429
CA5 7AH 21 0 54.811624 -2.953526
CA5 7AN 9 0 54.801402 -2.950563
CA5 7AP 5 0 54.824879 -2.934869
CA5 7AQ 14 0 54.819406 -2.949025
CA5 7AR 6 0 54.826481 -2.927606
CA5 7AS 1 0 54.834012 -2.926331
CA5 7AT 4 2 54.838123 -2.931765
CA5 7AU 1 1 54.843303 -2.930385
CA5 7AW 3 0 54.801888 -2.936652
CA5 7AX 3 0 54.842802 -2.932169
CA5 7AY 12 0 54.838797 -2.944518
CA5 7AZ 2 0 54.84094 -2.957772
CA5 7BA 13 0 54.830507 -2.948496
CA5 7BH 10 2 54.829409 -2.981457
CA5 7BJ 17 0 54.827269 -2.983035